
Audy | 21 | Enby-Fluid | Panromantic Demisexual |

I don't bite but if you don't leave me alone I will.

__You Can Interact With Me __

  • You share similar interests/likes with me

  • You wanna joke together

  • You want a commission

  • You want to be friends (I don't trust people at face value, you need to put effort into creating the friendship or else I won't put effort/time in to keeping it).

  • You want to have a thoughtful discussion with me about something

  • LGBTQ+ friendly

  • Mutual simping over characters

  • If you wanna talk about characters/writing

  • Are not judgmental (I don't give a shit what people are into as long as they aren't a pedo or someone that would act on the dark shit they're into)

  • Pretty much anything as long as you aren't a part of the NOTs list

A Little Warning

To those who want to pursue a friendship with me I will have to kindly ask you to talk to me if you have a problem with me or are having a misunderstanding about me. Two sides of the story is important and I am no mind reader. If you continue to not come to me when you have an issue/are assuming things about me I will not continue the friendship. I've done that dance before multiple times and I'm sick of it and won't be afraid to cut off all contact (ex: blocking).

__You Better NOT Interact With Me __

  • Incest

  • Racism/Racists

  • Antisemitism/Nazis

  • Zoophiles

  • Pedos/MAPs

  • Homophobes/Transphobes

  • Anti Shippers (ex: "Cleon is better than Aeon", every ship is great as long as the two paired are adults or are both in similar age)

  • Stalkers/ People who block evade

  • Drama Starters/ Subtweeters (If you have a problem with someone actually solve it instead of being a coward)

Failure to follow my NOTs will result in me blocking you. If there's repeated offense legal action may be taken.